A Thought and a Feeling are only as real as you make it!

You don't need to believe all of your thoughts.❗

They are just thoughts. They aren't real.

They come and go and are influenced by innumerable factors such as what you consume (media), your past, you dreams, your sense of self-worth etc.

❗ You decide how much importance you want to place on your thoughts. If you don't like how they make you feel, you can change them.

Ask yourself, "Why am I thinking these thoughts that I know don't make me feel good?"

You'll recognise your own self-destructive patterns and once you are aware of them, you can CHANGE them.

Own your power and take responsibility for yourself!

You can change anything you want within you!

xx Nikita


Trying out Different Things


Why we need to be BRUTALLY HONEST with ourselves