Sacred Ceremonies, Emotional, Energetic and body-based Healing

Workshops and Retreats 🌹

For over 8 years now, the world of personal development & spirituality has fascinated me. The concept of continuously learning more about yourself is something that I LOVE!

In the past 4 years I have held over 60 in-person and online Workshops, 3 Retreats in Mallorca and Costa Rica and worked with hundreds of Women worldwide.

There are always new patterns, habits and belief systems that you find yourself participating in.

As a Spiritual Embodiment and Transformational Coach, certified Tao & Tantra Facilitator and Kundalini nerd, I help you do exactly that!

Get to know and heal your fears, traumas and self-doubts by working with your mental, emotional, behavioural and unconscious self.

I use different tools backed by science and various ancient traditions around the world to help you understand where your old patterns or blocks originated from and how you can heal them to liberate yourself from within.

Examples of tools:

  • Ancient Indian Rituals thought to me by my buddhist father

  • Emotional & Trauma Healing; releasing repressed anger, sadness and other emotions; helping you understand your trauma and where it came from

  • Unconscious and Subconscious Behavioural Change

  • Somatic Healing backed by science

  • Breathwork Techniques to reduce anxiety, depression and dissociation

  • Mindset, Perspective and Belief Shifts

  • Kundalini & Tantra practices

  • Energy Healing

  • Embodiment Work

MY Personal Story

  • In my early teenage years my interest sparked in all things personal development and spirituality.

    From reading best-sellers to ancient texts from ancient Egypt and ancient India, attending seminars all around the world, backpacking alone through 10 African countries and being part of countless sacred ceremonies, I learned a multitude of healing methods and tools.

    From there I started to create and share my own my proven teachings and strategies in healing and loving yourself.

  • Were learning to accept and love all parts of my body. Especially those I tried to “change” with 6+ years of intense bodybuilding. As well as accepting that I used to be a big people pleaser and thus change those habits where I used to make myself smaller so that other person could shine and be comfortable.

    And the biggest thing most people can relate to is that my overthinking and self-critic used to rule my mind. and hold me back from pursuing my dreams with ful power and focus.

    Ironically living in the past is the same thing as living with anxiety, it’s just a different side of the same coin.

    I used to be deeply disconnected from my body (dissociate) and I was only able to change that through body-based healing.

  • After doing a big chunk of inner work, I realised how much shame I was holding against my femininity and sexuality.

    As women, our feminine energy has been suppressed for thousands of years - a lot of women don’t even recognise the ways in which we operate from a heavy inner masculine, trying to prove ourselves and change our true nature in order to be “survive” in society.

    So this is where my journey into Kundalini + Tantra started.

    To hear more about my sexual healing journey, tune into this podcast episode. 🎙️

  • The blocks we hold inside of us are limiting beliefs, unresolved past issues, emotional blocks and old trauma, behavioural and unconscious patterns that are part of our made-up “identity”. To discover our true self, our unlimited potential we need to peel away everything that we are not!

    Everything that we learned while growing up that isn’t serving us anymore needs to go. All the ideas that we created about how and who we are, and how we should or shouldn’t be – these are what is holding us back.

    And until we address these things, we will stay stuck. We will keep wishing and hoping for the fulfilling life we want but not yet fully experience it as reality.


“Hi Nikita,

I am feeling surprisingly well actually. I feel really relaxed and very happy right now.

You tip with saying “Thank you” has helped me tremendously even though it is something so simple. And I also really like the YouTube Videos you sent me. They’re deeply relaxing and perfect to let go and be in the present moment. They also made m really emotional but if felt really good to let everything out and release it.

Thank you so much Nikita! ♥️”

- Kevin


I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH again for your time yesterday. I already started implementing some things, especially the breath work techniques. and I truly have to say they’re helping me A LOT. As well as the realisation / enlightenment I had thanks to you about this person and everything you shared with me about sexual healing.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. ❤️❤️❤️”

- E.G

“Thank you Nikita for your time! It felt really good talking with you! I took some time for myself and my thoughts, spent a lot of time at the lake and did some things that give me joy and everything else that you recommended.

I feel amazing! Thank you for your help.😊🥰”

- Jessie

“I felt very connected with Nikita the moment I came across her IG Reels! During our sessions, we were able to dive deep and she supported me through that. I needed guidance and support and she has all the answers to my questions and I trust her so much!! I loved that she listened with open heart and made a safe place for me to express, and release. Nikita brings so much light and wisdom to my healing.

My relationship with my womb wasn’t the best and I was able to tap into it by Nikita guiding me and now things have been so different. I’m more aware and mindful around my womb healing and making it a priority.”

- Harmeet

“It was amazing. I was finally able to let go of all my luggage which I was carrying around inside of me (heavily) the past few weeks. I found out what kind of meditation helps me to get rid of my emotional garbage and my brain storm. At some points I could see a yellow light - which indicates a chakra being worked with. Also orange and red came up once. Further I felt like I'm on drugs for 10 seconds, was definitely a moment of trance. Then, after letting go (physically & mentally) of that heavy package I was carrying around within me, I was able to go to a place very similar to when u fall asleep. It was like a half sleep, but different, more conscious, like a transformation into a new, BRIGHT & LIGHT world.

Afterwards I felt incredibly happy, different from how I walked in - so much lighter. It was a perfect start of my vacation and ending of my time in Zurich.”

- Olivia