Breaking Free from the Shackles of Shame: My Journey to Self-Acceptance

For years, shame had a tight grip on my life, causing a continuous cycle of negative self-talk, self-punishment, and destructive behaviors. I struggled with accepting myself, constantly berating my appearance, actions, and words. My life was a rollercoaster of emotions, from moments of pride to plunges of shame and guilt. However, a transformative shift occurred when I decided to break free from this toxic pattern and embrace self-acceptance.

In this blog post, I'll share my journey of learning to work with my body, not against it, and how it led me towards a path of self-love and personal growth.

Prefer listening than reading? Listen to my top tips to heal shame on the Goddess Activation Podcast.

The Shackles of Shame

Each day was a battlefield within my own mind. From the moment I woke up, I would criticize myself in front of the mirror, loathe the way I looked. Throughout the day, I would be mean to myself for being late or making mistakes, continuously questioning my every move. I knew this negative self-talk was causing immense pain, but I felt powerless to stop it. Shame ruled me, and I felt trapped in a cycle of self-destructive behavior.

Seeking a Positive Change

Despite being engaged in the spiritual and personal development world, I was unaware of how deeply rooted shame was in my life. I thought I had mastered the art of positivity, but my negative self-talk and self-destructive patterns continued to hold me back. It was only when I finally decided to confront and understand the deeper emotions behind those patterns, that I started to see a glimmer of hope.

Working WITH My Body, Not Against It

The turning point in my journey came when I realized the importance of working with my body, not against it. Instead of suppressing emotions like shame and guilt, I allowed myself to feel them fully. Especially because they felt so hard and uncomfortable to feel. I started to recognize that these emotions were messages from within, signaling that there were areas in my life that needed healing and attention.

By acknowledging my shame and guilt, I began to transform self-criticism to self-compassion.

I started to understand the deeper reasons and roots of my self-criticism and where it was coming from.

I realized that whenever criticism from within myself arose, that it was an invitation to be even kinder to myself.

Daily Healing Practices to embrace Self-Love and Personal Growth

With the support of a variety of ancient healing methods and techniques like Kundalini, Medtiation, Tantra, Breathwork, Energy and Emotional Healing, I started to feel the power of self-love and self-acceptance arise within me.

It helped me break free from the clutches of shame. I started to practice self-compassion daily, offering myself the same kindness and understanding that I would offer to a toddler or my best friend.

I devoted to daily practices that supported me in SEEING myself, and not suppressing my truest soul and desires.

Gradually, the negative self-talk lost its hold on me, and I felt a newfound sense of freedom and peace within.

It didn’t happen in one day, but it happened through my devoted journey of knowing, that the way my relationship with myself was in 2016, was not how it would be forever.

If you're struggling with shame, feeling connected with your body or negative self-talk, know that you are not alone! This was my daily life from 2016 - early 2019. Listen to the Goddess Activation Podcast to a wealth of insights and practices you can implement right away.

Want guided support? Join Sensual Sexual Mastery, my 7 week women’s step by step guided online course to support you in rewriting your relationship with your body, pleasure and sexuality. 🌹


Somatic Healing and the Mind-Body Connection