How to activate your third eye and why it matters

We've all heard of our third eye being placed between our eyebrows and the third eye Chakra but is our third eye really a physical thing? Watch the Video above and read this Blogpost to learn more about it, how to activate your third eye and why it's important 👁️

Your third eye is the most powerful source of knowledge. 


Third Eye Chakra / Ajna

Our third eye is our 6th sense. It's about knowing. Deep, inner KNOWING. It goes beyond what our 5 senses could ever "prove" to us through seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling or smelling. 

It is believed that our pineal gland is the physical manifestation of our third eye. It sits right in the middle of our brain (see pic below) and is part of our endocrine system. (Endocrine system = is made up of glands and these glands produce our hormones.) 

There is a lot of mystery about the pineal gland but what we know is that it produces melatonin which helps maintain our circadian rhythm and regulates our reproductive hormones. 

I personally have experienced my biggest breakthroughs by focusing on my pineal gland during my meditations. I actually started focusing on it before knowing what the pineal gland was! It's literally the gateway to higher dimensions, higher knowing, your highest self, enlightenment etc.


In the beginning it can be quite difficult to focus on the pineal gland as it's based right in the middle of the brain, so I recommend starting by focusing on the space between your eyebrows. And as soon as you feel comfortable meditating you can shift the focus to the pineal gland. 

Pineal Gland Location


What happens when your third eye is activated?

  • You can discern between truth and illusions about yourself, others, the world, society, everything around you!

  • You listen to your intuition and to your inner wisdom.

  • Your emotional intelligence is heightened.

  • You become aware to the various energy fields.

  • You KNOW that you are more than your mind and your body. You are that which perceives everything!

  • You realise that the only place where you'll find peace, love and joy is within you.


The stages of third eye opening:

1. First you will feel an increasing pressure in your head. Sometimes it'll feel like your pineal gland is about to explode. You'll continue to feel this even after years of practice as your psychic sense will keep on growing and getting stronger. 

2. Your intuition will be heightened and stronger! You will have a deep inner knowing what to do and what not to do. 

3. Sometimes you will doubt your intuition because it'll be new to you. You'll wonder how you can KNOW something without having proper "proof". And with time you'll learn that what society calls "proof" is just another way of human beings trying to understand our life here on earth. But the truth is that there is sooo much that we don't know or understand and soo much that we, as human beings, never will understand and that is totally okay and good the way it is.

You'll learn to accept and actually enjoy this fact. 

4. You'll be interested in new topics such as the universe, energy and whatever your soul will be called to. 

You might start researching about your ancestral lineage, aliens, lost civilisations etc. Your taste in music, tv shows, movies etc. might change. Whatever your soul is called to is the right thing!!

5. You'll go through life with more confidence, inner knowing, harnessing your own power and not giving it away to people or situations that don't matter to your soul's growth and evolution. 


What happens if your third eye isn't activated?

  • You stay stuck in the material world only focusing on what you don't have and playing the victim role "poor me".

  • You feel like life is happening TO you and not FOR you.

  • You fail to see life as a blessing and that everything happens for a reason, for you to learn and grow and experience.

  • You'll keep making life harder for yourself than it needs to be.


IG Reel: How to activate your Third Eye Chakra (Pineal Gland)

How to activate your third eye?

There are numerous ways to activate your third eye. The two most important ones are practice focusing on it during meditation and during other daily actions and the second is eliminating all or at least limiting your fluoride intake! No fluoride in toothpaste, getting filtered water etc.

  • Fluoride is one of the most damaging things for your pineal gland. That's why it is in toothpaste, water, and foods that we consume because the higher powers that control the world don't want us to wake up to our inner, unlimited power. They want to keep us asleep.

    • If we would wake up, we wouldn't participate as much in their consumer based society anymore and we'd be more loving and kinder to each other = they couldn't divide us anymore and thus they would have less power over us. (And less power for them means less money for them.)

  • Meditate on your third eye means focusing on your third eye during meditation. You don't need to meditate for 1h. Start with 5 to 10mins and then work your way up to what feels most comfortable for you! If you have some difficulties sitting still try guided meditations and / or breath work.

  • Put your thumb or index finger on the space between your eyebrows and notice how you can feel your pineal gland vibrating (see video below).

  • Listen to 288hz and 936hz frequencies during meditation and / or let it play in the background while you work, clean your house etc. You can find these on Spotify and Youtube.

  • Limit the intake of toxic chemicals, GMOS's etc. in food and drinks. Limit sugar and dairy in your diet. Look at the ingredients list of the food that you consume and research what is actually inside of it and how it *really* affects your health and your pineal gland.

  • Limit consumption of alcohol and cigarettes. Whenever you consume it, set an intention before and ask yourself if you're trying to avoid (feeling) something.

  • Use your imagination more and try to "see" what you want (your goals) as if they had already happened / come true.

  • Spend more time in nature and drink a lot of water.

  • For more tips join my 7 days Chakra Introduction Challenge here

    • For 7 days you'll receive an email where we focus on one Chakra per day.

    • What's included: 2 videos on what each Chakra is about and how to heal it, questions for inquiry that you can ask yourself and find out which Chakra is blocked, tips for healing, affirmations that you can repeat and a small daily meditation.


Third Eye Chakra Summary


Was this blogpost helpful in your journey of awakening your third eye? 

DM me on IG @soulcoachnikita and let me know what you found most interesting and helpful and share this blogpost with your friends, family and on your IG!


Sending you so much love,

xx Nikita 


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