The last 3 months of 2020

Intentions for the last part of 2020

We are approaching the last 3 months of 2020 so this is an amazing time to reflect on this year so far. (Which feels like a decade but also only 3 month long at the same time, doesn't it? ðŸ˜…)


Even more important than reflecting is setting an intention for the last part of 2020. If we don't have an intention we'll let whatever happens in our life and in the world determine our state of happiness and our progress towards our goals! 


How do you want to feel? 

How do you want to spend the last 3 months? 

What will you do with your time? 


And how will you make sure you stick to your intention? How will you make sure that you implement them. So that it doesn't turn into a: "I said I would, but...". 



We state our intention and then we apply it and live accordingly! 


And now I want to hear from you: 

  • What are you grateful for?

  • What good things happened for you in 2020?

  • What new realisations had the biggest impact on you?

  • What are your intentions for the last 3 months of 2020?

  • How will you spend your time?

  • What do you want to change about yourself (thinking and behavioural patterns)?

  • How will you implement your intention? How will you make sure you live accordingly to them?


Fill out your answers below and share it in your IG story and tag me @soulcoachnikita or DM me!


1. Download the pic below.

2. Fill it out and share it in your IG story (and tag me @soulcoachnikita so I can reshare it).

3. Share the unfilled version of the pic in your IG story as well so others can screenshot it and share in their story. 

4. Tell your friends to do it as well so that we can all rise together!



Yaayyy, I can't wait to see your answers!!


Sending you soul much love, and let's make the last part of 2020 memorable! 

xx Nikita


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88 Lionsgate Portal - What is it and how to use it for your benefit (incl. meditation)